Type: Cushion
Hook: Underground
Event 1: The heroes fight some goblins in a cave. They find a map on
the goblins leading to a tomb.
Event 2: Some dwarves bargain with the heroes, offering a ride across
the underground lake.
Event 3: The heroes fight the undead guardian of the tomb, and various
traps, before getting the treasure.
As you make your
way through the underground caverns, you see light up ahead, coming from what
looks like a campfire. You emerge into a cavern, to see a small encampment in
the far-left area of the cave, lit by a sizeable fire. A brazier burns near
the camp, giving off choking fumes. Leading up from the little tent is a ramp,
leading to a ledge above you on the left. On the ledge, a Goblin prances, chittering
to its mates at your arrival. Across the room, four other Goblins prepare themselves
for combat.
Terrain: Weird Magic
Slimbog chants and bangs his bones on the floor, which has an invigorating
effect on all the goblins. The net effect of this is that the goblins have +3
to all their DAM rolls.
Points Spent: +30
Terrain: Weird Magic
A brazier next to the bonfire leaks out acrid smoke that gets into the lungs
of the Vikings, causing -1 to their ATK rolls.
Points Spent: +10
Terrain: Multiple Levels
There is a sloped area along one wall of the cavern that leads up to a small
platform about 20 paces toward the roof.
Points Gained: -5
Terrain: Damaging Place
The goblins have built a sizeable bonfire next to their little encampment.
Anyone entering this hot area is likely to be severely burnt. DAM Rating: 20
Points Gained: -20
Terrain: Cover
The little tent the goblins set up for their leader (Rak-Nathar the Slayer)
can provide half cover for two people.
Points Gained: -12
Digging around
amongst the Goblins' remains, you discover a few trinkets, and a rolled-up parchment.
The Shaman has on his belt a Category C treasure.
Points Gained: -30
Also amongst the goblins' stuff is a rolled up parchment. When unrolled, they may try to decipher the glyphs and runes on the scroll.
Stick & Carrot
This is a No-Fault roll of Runes, Difficulty 6. Failure leads to a +2 Difficulty
on their next Map roll, while success leads to -2 Difficulty on the Map roll.
Points Spent: -15 (No-Fault roll)
Healing Opportunity
This little cavern of the goblins' is actually a rather nice place to wait
to heal up before continuing. However, after 24 hours, the goblins' comrades
come looking for their missing fellows, and the Vikings must hurry on.
Points Gained: -20
Getting Lost
Now all you have
to do is figure out exactly what the scroll is trying to tell you. It seems
to be a rather arcane set of direction, which might take some working out...
The pillagers now have to try and track down the tomb mentioned in the scroll.
They need to make a Singular roll by one of the pillagers. If he fails, the
whole horde is Lost, and must follow the 'Getting Lost' rules on p. 152 of the
main rulebook. The difficulty of the roll is 7.
Points Spent: 10 (7 Difficulty); 30 (getting lost possibility)
Bargaining Opportunity
As you get near
to the tomb mentioned on the scroll, your path is blocked by a rather wide underground
lake. Preparing yourselves to trek around the lake, you spot a boat moored on
the shore, and three dwarves pottering around the area. They seem to have a
quantity of armour with them, and look like they might be traders of some kind...
The pillagers come upon the shore of an underground lake. 'Docked' on the shore
are three dwarves, with a rowboat. These guys are travelling salesdwarves. They
have all types of armour for sale, at the standard costs. They will also buy
any treasures from the Vikings as per normal. The dwarves are young and unaware
of the threat Vikings pose to them, and they are inexperienced traders, so their
Bargain bonus is only 1.
Points Gained: -15 (bargaining opportunity); -10 (Bargaining Bonus of 1)
Crossing the Lake
Once you have
bought all you require, you ask the dwarves if they wouldn't mind giving you
a lift across the water. They hum and herr before sizing you up and down to
see if you look friendly enough...
The dwarves will take the Vikings across the lake if they have made a favourable
impression. They need to make a Demeanour roll to convince the dwarves that
they mean well. Otherwise, the pillagers will have to hike around the lake.
Any pillager that fails the roll will have to take the dangerous route around
the lake. Those that succeed will be able to use the dwarves' boat.
Trap Difficulty: 6
Damage: 10 (Armour Ignoring)
Points Spent: 20 (10 Armour Ignoring damage)
The trek round
the shore goes through a patch of sharp, needle-like rocks, and after that,
a swarm of horrible nits that get under your armour to bite and scratch.
Event 3: The Tomb
Finally the horde has reached the tomb; a large double-doorway stands invitingly sealed before them. It is almost completely indistinguishable from the rock around it, and only the map they carry has enabled them to find it. They push the doors open to see the burial chamber ahead of them.
The chamber is
oblong, about ten paces wide, and thirty paces long. Ten pillars stretch down
each side of the chamber, and alcoves are regularly spaced in the walls. A large
sarcophagus sits at the far end of the room, flanked by two blazing green flames
guttering out of metal torch-stands either side of it.
Pilar the Tall
Points Spent: 25 (Self-Willed)
Ambush Opportunity
Lying in wait for the pillagers is the spirit of the dead chieftain, inhabiting his old corpse-like body in the sarcophagus. The difficulty of spotting this ambush before opening the lid is 8.
Points Spent: 50 (Ambush Opportunity); 20 (difficulty 8)
Trap: Grasping Hands
When the sarcophagus lid is raised, rotting hands claw up from the ground, and grab the feet and legs of all the pillagers.
If a hero reads the runes on the sarcophagus, and speaks the magical phrase there (makes a Rune roll of 6 or more), the trap is voided.
Pillagers must make a STR + Traps roll of 6 or higher to pull free.
Points Spent: 40 (Grabber Trap)
Trap: The Burning Coward
If anyone breaks away (or attempts to) during the course of the combat, or tries to escape, the green flame from the torches arcs down and attempts to engulf the coward.
The target must make a difficulty 7 Dodge roll to avoid the flame, or suffer 10 points of escalating damage until they re-engage the foe, or leave the tomb. The flames then die out.
Points Spent: 10 (Difficulty 7); 40 (Escalating Damage of 10); -10 (conditionally avoidable; don't disengage or run away)
Trap: The Terrible Cry
Once Pilar has been polished off, his soul gives rent to a shuddering death cry. This terrifying bellow rattles throughout the tomb, causing everyone to make a Bravery roll, Difficulty 8, or run from the tomb like a cowardly goblin, returning when they remember that they aren't small cowardly goblins but big (wo)manly vikings. Forgetting this fact loses the hero 20 Victory Points in loss of status.
Points Spent: 20 (Difficulty 8); 20 (Loss of 20 Victory Points)
Terrain: Barrier
The Sarcophagus itself is a barrier in combat that can interfere with the fight.
Points Gained: -3
Weird Magic: Inspiration
The magical torches burning in the crypt grant a bonus of +3 to all ATK rolls
made here. The spirit of this great chieftain is inspiring all combatants to
greater combat prowess.
Points Gained: -30
After the
fight, you take the opportunity to rest for a moment before searching the tomb.
There seems to be the glint of treasure from amongst the rags adorning the undead
creature you just killed. The body looks mighty undignified sprawled on the
ground like that. The tomb is giving off a strangely invigorating magic that
you realise signifies that this is, in fact, a shrine to Thor. The walls seem
to show various glyphs and runes depicting some kind of story. The alcoves around
the edges could probably bear searching, as well.
Pilar's Plight
Reading the runes scattered throughout the tomb requires a Rune roll by any
Viking. This tells the story of Pilar, who bravely fought off a Troll incursion
many hundreds of years ago, when that race was still young. Brought down by
the treacherous poisonous arrows of the trolls, he nevertheless defended his
realm to his dying breath. He is a devotee of Thor, and emulated the War God
to the best of his ability - even in death.
Points Gained: -10 (Freestanding Ability roll)
Shrine to Thor
Pilar the Tall was a devotee of the God Thor, and this entire tomb is a shrine
to the war god.
Points Gained: -25
The corpse of the chieftain has on its person a Category F treasure. The various alcoves in the chamber also generate a Category D treasure.
Points Gained: -75 (Category F Treasure); -40 (Category D Treasure)
Regaining Status
If one of the players make a successful Lore roll, they realise that Pilar
should be most honourably placed back into his sarcophagus. The Viking who carries
out this service gains 25 Victory Points.
Points Gained: -25 (Gaining 25 Victory Points)
Weak Self-Willed Foe
Ramp to platform
Equal Self-Willed Foe
Camp Bonfire
Weird Magic: +3 DAM rolls; Foes only
Little tent
Weird Magic: -1 ATK rolls; Heroes only
Category C Treasure
+2 Diff to Map rolls
-2 Diff on Map rolls
Getting Lost
No-Fault Runes roll
Trekking round the lake
Healing Opportunity
Self-Willed Superior Foe
Bargaining Opportunity
Ambush Opportunity
Grasping Hands
Inspiration Magic: +3 ATK rolls
The Burning Coward
Shrine to Thor
The Terrible Cry
Honouring the Dead
Reading Pilar's Story
Grand Totals: