Each Gift costs (2x the level of Gift) + The number of Gifts that you will have once this has been brought. The level of a Gift is displayed next to the Gifts Name.
You must have 4 gifts of a certain level (of either Breed, Auspice or Tribe) before you can buy Gifts of the next level. No more than one Gift may be purchased per session.
Cost: None Shot: 5
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou is able to heal the wounds of others, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou cannot heal himself with this Gift. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift and the Outcome is the amount of damaged healed. A Unicorn Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 5
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou is able to heal the wounds of himself and others, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift and the Outcome is the amount of damaged healed. A Unicorn Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Willpower Shot: 1
Skill: None
Through force of will the Garou is able to turn the pain of his wounds into a rage-fuelled advantage. The Garou is able to reverse his modifiers due to wounds; thus a -1 becomes a +1 and a -2 a +2. This advantage lasts for the rest of the Sequence. A Bear Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: Lots
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can convince others to commit themselves to some endeavour, or of some aesthetic ideal. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift skill against target number of a group leaders highest Willpower or Leadership stat, plus one for every other person in the group, this number is then reduced by five if the task or ideal is something the group would be predisposed to anyway. The effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the Outcome. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor Spirit.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can quell the anger in others. The Garou rolls his gaia's Gift skill against the AV of his opponent, the Outcome divided by five, is the number of Rage points that the target looses, these can be regained normally. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn Spirit.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: None
The Garou calls upon the blessing of Luna to deter any damaging attacks aimed at him. The Garou gains an four points on his Toughness, and is able to regenerate silver wounds (the silver does not do the extra 6 points of damage) for the rest of the sequence. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can overwhelm a target with the glory and beauty of Gaia. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift skill against the targets Willpower, or Wyrm's Boon whichever is higher. The Outcome is the number of Sequences that the target will stand in mute awe, unless they are attacked, in which case they may dodge. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn Spirit.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
The Children walk among Spirits and interact with them more easily than most, for their auras exudes friendship. Spirits, other than Banes, will not initiate combat with the character. This Gift is taught by Unicorn Spirits.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 8
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can lull another into a deep sleep. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against the AV, the Outcome being the number of hours that the Target sleeps. During this time the Child of Gaia must not attack or allow the target to come to any harm, as the Garou suffers the same damage as the sleeping one. If attacked the sleeper will awaken instantly. This Gift is taught by a Bear or Sloth :-) Spirit .
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
This Gift allows a Garou to force another to do things through sending him on a guilt trip. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against a target number decided by the GM. The target number depends on the target and what it is the Garou wishes for him to do. To get a Get of Fenris to fall on his knees and apologize to a wronged female, would have a markedly higher difficulty than getting a Bone Gnawer to do the same. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor Spirit.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
With this Gift the Garou can cause all those in his presence to be filled with a sense of higher purpose. They all feel the work that they must do together is more important than their differences. all over distractions are gone, and they feel inspired to take reasonable positions, rather than inflexible postures or exagerated stands intended to be bargained away. Those who resist, and continue to bargain in bad faith, become loudly and uncontrollably flatulent each time they state their position (WHAT!). The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against the AV of his targets, to succeed. This Gift is taught by Avatars of the New World Trinity Totem.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou may not only communicate with animals, but also can attract and command them. The Garou must roll against a difficulty set by the GM (depending on circumstances, location and what animals are being summoned). If successful all the desired animals in a 10-mile radius approach the Garou, they can take some time to arrive. One command can be given per Gnosis point spent. An Animal Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can quell others' Rage. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against their AV, the Outcome is the number of Sequences that the target cannot use Rage Points. This Gift is taught by Unicorn Spirits.
Cost: 1Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: None
The Garou becomes surrounded by a sphere of blazing sunlight. Certain Wyrm creatures - denizens of the dark - may flee before a brightly shining Garou. The effect lasts for one fight, the damage of any hand-to-hand attack is increased by +3, and the Garou may do aggravated damage in Homid and Glabro form. anyone directly facing the Garou gains an impairment of -1 to all attack difficulties because of the glare, and any Vampires within 20 yards suffer damage as if exposed to true sunlight. This Gift is taught by a Spirit allied to Helios, the Sun Celestine.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 5
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou may call the powers of the forest to arise and aid him; nearby trees will begin to move and attempt to protect the Garou. These trees have the same stats as Glade Children, but are classified as mooks (see Glass Jaw Mooks rule). The Garou rolls His Gaia's Gift against a difficulty of 13. The Outcome is the number of trees affected. This Gift is taught by a Glade Child.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
With this Gift, the Garou instantly earns the trust of all who meet or hear him, even over a telephone or television. They feel instinctively that he is a good and trustworthy person. This feeling wells up from such a deep level that it cannot be changed by even the most invasive mind control. People affected by this Gift can still be mind-controlled to attack the Garou, but hate doing so (-4 to their AV). Those who are Wyrm-corrupted feel intense dislike instead of trust. This trust is strong, but it does not supersede the persons common sense. If the Child of Gaia is firing a machine gun into the crowd, the people will scatter, rather than trust that he will miss them. However they will be convinced that he had a very good reason for firing. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against the Willpower of the target(s). The target number for Wyrm-corrupt is their Wyrm's Boon skill. Wyrm beasts are immune. The effect lasts for a scene or for as long as the targets stay in contact with the Garou. This Gift is taught by an Avatar of Unicorn.
I have found another Gift that I can't convert; Unicorns Grace deals with the suppression of frenzies, and I have decided to not include rules for these. Any ideas, please e-mail me.
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