Each Gift costs (2x the level of Gift) + The number of Gifts that you will have once this has been brought. The level of a Gift is displayed next to the Gifts Name.
You must have 4 gifts of a certain level (of either Breed, Auspice or Tribe) before you can buy Gifts of the next level. No more than one Gift may be purchased per session.
Cost: None Shot: 1
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can detect animal prey. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against a Target number of 10. A success leads the Garou to a suitable animal(s) necessary to feed 12 wolves. The Range is up to fifty miles. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: 1
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can a water source. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against a Target number of 10. A success leads the Garou to a large water source. The Range is up to fifty miles. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: None
The Garou may vastly increase his senses for a short time, adding +2 to his perception stat. This can be formidable in Wolf form. The power lasts until the Garou changes form or the session ends. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: None
This Gift functions as Prodigious Leap in the Feng Shui rulebook. However the Gift stays into effect until the Garou changes form or the session ends. A Cat or Hare Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
This Gift allows the Garou to see over long distances "over two looks away". This gives a +1 AV with ranged weapons, such as sniper rifles. An Eagle Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: None
By spending a Gnosis point, The Garou can centre himself in relation to Gaia. This means that in the Wild she can never be lost, to use within a city costs an extra Gnosis point, as reaching Gaia is more difficult in these vile Wyrmholes. Wolves in the wild will concede the right to travel through their territories, to those with this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: None
This Gift allows the Garou to replace his sense of sight with his sense of smell. Thus he can operate in darkness, fight invisible opponents etc. a Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its strength and type in the nearby area. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against a target number of (20 - the targets supernatural skill). Then he detects the reek of the unnatural on the target. This Gift is taught by any of Gaia's spirits.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
The Garou has a prehensile tail. This tail cannot perform fine manipulation tasks, but it can wrap itself around a tree branch allowing the Garou to hang from, and move through, the trees. The Garou gains a +1 on any Agility or athletic feat that the tail may aid him in. A Monkey Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
This Gift gives the Garou the agility of a cat. Making him immune to falls under 100 feet, and giving him perfect balance on even the most slippery of surfaces. He also gains a bonus of +1 to his initiative. A Cat Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou is able to learn the name and approximate abilities of any Spirit encountered. The Name can be useful for summoning at a later date. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift over the Spirits Av. If successful he learns the Spirits name and can ask three specific questions about the Spirits abilities and powers. The Uktena Totem teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 6
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can use his shapeshifting to alter his physical stats. The physical stats can be redistributed at the player's wish. This Gift costs 1 Gnosis point and a Gaia's Gift roll with the highest new stat as target number. The effect lasts for a session. A Wyld Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: 3
Skill: Martial Arts
The Garou has a poisonous bite. The bite does 14 points of damage and is resisted by Constitution rather than Toughness. A Snake Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou may not only communicate with animals, but also can attract and command them. The Garou must roll against a difficulty set by the GM (depending on circumstances, location and what animals are being summoned). If successful all the desired animals in a 10-mile radius approach the Garou, they can take some time to arrive. One command can be given per Gnosis point spent. An Animal Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 1
Skill: None
The Garou may strengthen his jaw to the point where it can chew through just about anything. If used in combat this Gift gives +4 Damage on bite attacks until the end of the Sequence. If used outside of combat then the Gift lasts until the object has been destroyed. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 2 Gnosis Shot: 7
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou is able to appeal to the Animal Fathers and rolls his Gaia's Gift skill against a difficulty of 15. If successful he gains that Father as a Totem for a day, with all the benefits and taboos that that brings. A Gaia Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift (Difficulty 12) and if successful the Garou can cause a 20' by 20' area of the element to rise up, undulate forward, and even engulf foes. The Damage caused by this is 12 + the Outcome of the Gaia's Gift roll. This Gift is taught by Elementals.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou must be in the deep wilderness to employ this Gift. If so, he can by howling at the moon call forth the great creatures that used to walk the Earth in ages past to his aid. Creatures such as, the Sasquatch, the Willawau (Giant owl), the Yeti, Megalodon Shark, and even the Dinosaurs of the Congo. The target number for successfully doing this is 20, but these beasts are truly powerful. Fortune points may not be spent on this roll. Nature Spirits teach this Gift.
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