Each Gift costs (2x the level of Gift) + The number of Gifts that you will have once this has been brought. The level of a Gift is displayed next to the Gifts Name.
You must have 4 gifts of a certain level (of either Breed, Auspice or Tribe) before you can buy Gifts of the next level. No more than one Gift may be purchased per session.
Cost: None Shot: 1
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Metis is able to escape Grabs and Holds by shedding a layer of fur. The Metis makes a Gaia's Gift roll against the attack roll that is holding him at a 1 shot cost, if the result is higher than the attack roll he escapes, This can be used as an Active Dodge. This Gift can also be used against manacles and other bonds. This Gift is taught by a Snake or Lizard Spirit.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 5
Skill: None
The Garou can create a small amount of one of the four basic elements - fire, air, earth or water. In this way the Garou can replenish the air supply within an airtight room, make a rock to throw at someone, create a fire without matches or wood, or fill a bathtub without any taps or pipes. It costs one Gnosis point to do this, but does not involve a roll. This Gift is taught by an elemental.
Cost: None Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sixth sense, not sight nor smell; although the Garou is likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm". The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against a target number of (20 - the tainted one's, Wyrm's Boon). Then he detects the stench of the Wyrm on the target. This Gift is taught by any of Gaia's spirits.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
By showing your throat to any Garou, you can stop them from harming you any further. Roll your Gaia's Gift with the attacker(s) Rage as your Difficulty. If successful other Garou will be instinctively cease to physically attack you. This does not mean that they leave you alone, they can still continue to watch you or verbally berate you. The Gift lasts for a sequence and is cancelled if you initiate attack. A Jackal Spirit teaches this Gift
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can burrow a tunnel through the earth, the tunnel is fairly permanent, but only allows one person at a time through, no larger than a Crinos form. The Garou must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift. The Garou makes a Gaia's Gift roll against a target number set by the GM. The Garou travels a number of yards equal to his Move + the amount by which he beat the target number. A Mole spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can verbalise the hatred in his heart, disheartening opponents with the intensity of his emotions. The Garou makes a Gaia's Gift roll against the AV of his opponent, if successful, the target loses 2 Willpower and Rage points. This attack can only be used on an opponent once in any fight scene. A Spirit of Hate teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
This is the old ability out of legends and folklore; the power to change someone else into a werewolf by biting him. The Metis attacks using Gaia's Gift and the target then attempts to roll higher than the damage done using his Willpower. If the victim fails to do this he goes into a berserk frenzy, believing himself to be a werewolf, the frenzy lasts for as many shots as his Willpower roll was missed by. The GM decides the ramifications of this frenzy. Spirits of Rage teaches this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: None
The Garou can see in pitch darkness. The eyes of a Garou glow a lambent green in darkness. Cat spirits teach this Gift.
Cost: None Shot: None
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou is able to communicate telepathically with another being over great Distances. This does not allow mind reading, just simple communication or intimidation skills. The Garou must know the person with whom he is attempting to communicate. If he does not know them, he must have something that belongs to them. The Garou must make a Gaia's Gift skill check against a target number of 12, every success over this allows the message to transmit ten miles. A Bird spirit teaches this Gift or any spirit affiliated with intellect.
Cost: None Shot: 1
Skill: None
This Gift allows the fur of a Garou to become bristly and sharp like the quills of a porcupine. This allows the Garou to body slam opponents doing Strength +1 Aggravated damage. Anyone attacking the Garou with bare flesh inflicts damage equal to their Outcome upon themselves, not reduced by Toughness. A porcupine spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 6
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can use his shapeshifting to alter his physical stats. The physical stats can be redistributed at the player's wish. This Gift costs 1 Gnosis point and a Gaia's Gift roll with the highest new stat as target number. The effect lasts for a session. A Wyld Spirit teaches this Gift.
Cost: 2 Gnosis Shot: 5
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can make a targets limb wither away until it is useless. The Garou attacks with his Gaia's Gift in the normal method. The limb can only be restored by mystical or regenerative powers. A venomous animal spirit or Spirit of Disease teaches this Gift.
Cost: 2 Gnosis Shot: 3
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou can induce madness in others. The form of dementia will be decided by the GM, but should be severe. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift roll against the AV of his target; the Outcome determines the number of days of insanity.
Cost: 1 Gnosis Shot: 8
Skill: Gaia's Gift
The Garou is in touch with the Totem of his Tribe and can beseech them for aid. The effects of this are up to the GM, but should be in keeping with the Totem. The Garou simply rolls against Gaia's Gift with a Target of 15.
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