If you Cock a revolver (i.e. pull the hammer back ready for firing) you can fire the gun at only one shot cost at no modifiers to your Guns skill. The revolver can only be cocked while combat is not taking place, useful if you are expecting trouble. Obviously nothing stops you from cocking and carrying two revolvers at the same time. Most 1850 weapons would benefit from this schtick. Inspired by the name of a a schtick that would have appeared on Golden Comeback, the Dragon sourcebook.
Your weapons are almost an extension of your own arms, they are deadly in your grasp whatever the situation. You can Pistol whip or club an opponent using your firearms skill at -2, further Schticks would decrease Modifier (2 = -1, 3=0, 4= +1 etc).
The damage of these guns is as follows: Pistols, Strength +1, Large Pistol (Desert Eagle) Str +2, Rifle Str +2 (but see Bayonets below). Signature Weapons add +1 damage to this amount. If a bayonet is fitted to the weapon it is treated as a large nasty knife (Str +3), but a bayonet on a Signature weapon gets the full +3 damage. Inspired by the name of a a schtick that would have appeared on Golden Comeback, the Dragon sourcebook.
If the character is downed due to gunfire (a gunshot is the wound that causes him to make his Death Check), then Unlikely Comeback comes into effect. Roll your Guns Skill with the difficulty being the same target number for the Death Check, if unsuccessful then sadly, you are dead. If successful however, at the start of the next Sequence the character sits up, tears away the jacket/coat/string vest, that he was wearing revealing a hitherto unseen bullet proof vest (this all takes one shot). He can now re-enter the battle uninjured, apart from 5 WP's. This can only happen once per sequence.
This is not strictly in the vein of HK movies, being more of a staple of Hollywood action movies. I seem to remember something like this happening in The Killer though.
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