Feng Supers Special Rules
Even though "gun" is retained from the FS rules, "gun" is even more flexible here. Using a zymordian laser blaster is a gun, as is throwing a batarang.
A fourth Chi statistic, superpower, is used to power super abilities.
All damage in Feng Supers is mostly temporary. Failing a Death check merely drops you unconscious unless the damage is killing only. GMs will decide.
All sources of damage from the environment (fire, bullets, dropped greyhound buses, etc.) do -5 WP of damage to named characters. Martial arts, superpowers, and HTH weapons (even greyhound buses) wielded by named characters are NOT included. Named characters that are not superpowered might not receive this ability, upon discretion of the game moderator. (If this reduction of guns' effectiveness bothers you Punisher types, see the Weapon Master schtick later.)
Attack on a group of unnamed characters is handled slightly differently. Since superheroes rarely fail to KO at least one bozo, a super taking on a group of thugs (super-mooks?) will roll for an effect value. That effect value takes out as many thugs as possible and the rest are left standing.
Example: In Feng Shui, Bob the Everyday Hero rolls a +1 vs. a group of four ninja. Bob has Martial arts of 13; they have MA of 8. Bob needs a 13 to take out a ninja. Since they get +4 for the four ninja, Bob has missed them all.
In Feng Supers, Bob is The Amazing Six-pack. Six-pack, with an MA of 13, rolls a +1. He needs 13 to take out a ninja, and the +1 gives another ninja down. Only two left to foil The Amazing Six-pack!
Knockback sends the victim flying back a number of feet equal to the damage taken from an attack. (That's damage/3 meters for you metric system types out there.) There is no additional damage taken, but it looks cool when the hero goes flying or rolling back, and the mooks fall off buildings and things.
New maneuvers
Momentum blow:
Move your full move, striking the enemy while doing so at -3 to your AV. If you still hit, do + 4 WP for your strike. This will also work on static barriers like walls or doors, doing +4 WP to them.
Move through a static barrier (not character). Roll a superpower or martial arts check and add your strength to the outcome. If your total equals or beats the toughness of the barrier, you smash it to flinders on your way past. Take the toughness of the barrier points of damage yourself. If you fail to break the barrier, take strength + outcome points of damage.
Stances (Gleefully stolen from John Harper.):
You may adopt various stances to try to hit/avoid the enemy.
Neutral stance: 0 AV modifiers.
Defensive Stance: +1 Dodge AV, -1 Attack AV.
Offensive Stance: +1 Attack AV, -1 Dodge AV.
All-out-Offense Stance (the Berserker rage): +2 Attack, -2 Dodge, NO active dodge.
Gun Schticks
Weapons master:
Your guns/projectiles do normal damage to named character supers. You're just that good. (See the Special Rules above if this confuses you.)
Brick Trick Schticks
These schticks may only be taken by bricks.
Conditional Escalation:
You may buy the FS creature power conditional escalation to BODY. The traditional triggers are to become stronger when you take WPs or when you get mad.
You may clap your hands together, making a painful shockwave. Make a superpower check vs. difficulty 10. You will do result pts + STR WP to each person within STR meters without hard ear covering, including yourself.
You may apply your strength along a surface up to 3x your strength in meters. Good for playing crack the whip with trains or knocking annoying wall crawlers off walls.
Large objects:
You may lift large objects to splat an annoying defender. This can be used to swat or at -2 to guns to throw the object up to twice your strength in meters. The target receives no dodge value for this attack. They may, however, abort to a stunt to get away from the attack altogether.
Increased Damage Check Threshold:
This acts exactly as the Big Bruiser's unique schtick does, for WPs and UPs.
Increased Strength:
+2 shot cost to action. Your strength goes up by 5 when in use. May not be combined with another active schtick.
Increased Toughness:
+2 shot cost to action. Your toughness goes up by 5 when in use. May not be combined with an active schtick other than rooted.
Shot cost 2,
1 schtick - makes you +5 pts harder to lift, throw, or move around.
2 schticks - makes you impossible to lift, throw, or move around.
Psychic schticks
Unless otherwise stated, psychic powers work in line of sight. They use their own skill, MENTAL (for mental powers) for an AV.
All illusions must be maintained.
1 schtick - the user can create illusions as per the FS magic ability, with SUPER as the base attribute. This is for a single sense, usually sight, chosen when the power is purchased. For instance, the user could make foes look like friends and vice versa. If aware something is up, the victim must make a PER roll not to confuse friend and foe.
2 schtick - the user can create sound/sight/smell/taste illusions, but cannot alter touch.
3 schticks - the user can create an illusionary world for the victim. The victim will have no body senses at all and will appear asleep or catatonic. The victim will not move or act, but will think they are doing so at normal shot cost. Once they realize that this is an illusion, the victim must make an attempt to break the illusion with a WILL roll vs. the SUPER of the caster. This takes 3 shots per attempt.
Mental Blast
You make a blast at SUPER+2 damage. The victim dodges with Will + 6. If hit, the victim resists with WILL instead of TGH.
Mind Block
This defense is used as a continuous action but may not be combined with any mental powers. A psychic using this defense adds 5 to his effective willpower when attacked mentally in any way and also adds five to the difficulty of locating him or her with mind sense.
Mind Control
Roll your MENTAL skill against the target's highest AV or Will +6, whichever is higher. The outcome is the number of sequences you get to control the victim. The outcome will effectively "decay" one point per command and one point per sequence. If you cause the victim to do something they are vaguely opposed to, they get a +1. If it is something they are specifically opposed to, they receive +3. Suicidal actions are a +6. These numbers are cumulative and if they reduce the remaining outcome to zero, the person is freed immediately. (Example: George the Firebug is controlled by an outcome of 4. The controller orders him to set a fire on that bank. George likes fires, but would hate to burn down the bank. His total goes up +1, effectively making the outcome 3. He does, however, flame the wall of the bank. The next sequence, the outcome is effectively 2, and the controller urges George to flame a policeman. George's +3 for a specific opposition snaps the control and the controller is in big trouble.). This power must be maintained.
For 1 extra schtick, the target will not recall his/her actions while controlled, but will remember being controlled.
For 1 extra schtick, the target will not remember being ordered but will remember what he/she did.
For 2 extra schticks, the target will not remember his/her actions or being told what to do.
For 3 extra schticks, you do not have to maintain this power.
Mind Sense
(Each of these abilities requires the expenditure of one schtick.)
Postcognition (Shot Cost 3)
The user can make a MENTAL check to see the past of an object or area, choose which type when the power is purchased. Only important or emotional events will register.
Revelation (Shot Cost 3)
The user makes a will vs. will roll with the active target(s) in line of sight. There may be several. If the user wins, he can see the true form of any shape changed or transformed creatures, and will see through illusions previously cast by any loser.
Sensing (Shot Cost 3)
The user is able to sense the number and general location of the minds around him or her in SUPER meters radius. The user simply uses a perception check vs. difficulty of [Will of the person/people within the radius]. Once spotted, the minds may be kept track of with a continuous action. Note that psychics are easier to spot. Extremely familiar minds add +2 to the AV. Any psychic not using mind block subtracts 2 from the difficulty. Any psychic using currently using their powers subtracts 5 from the difficulty. A psychic using mind block adds 5 to the difficulty.
Spotting (Shot Cost: Difficulty of check)
The user can try to spot a known sentient by making a MENTAL check. The larger the area to be searched, the higher the difficulty will be. If the target is out of sight, the user will (choose when purchasing power) either be able to see a range of SUPER feet around the target, or will know exactly where the target is. Extremely familiar minds add +2 to the AV. Any psychic not using mind block subtracts 2 from the difficulty. Any psychic using currently using their powers subtracts 5 from the difficulty. A psychic using mind block adds 5 to the difficulty.
For an extra 2 schticks, the user can use other psychic powers on the target after having spotted them mentally.
Small Group of people (10 or fewer) |
10 |
Small office building (100 or fewer) |
12 |
Snall town (aprox.1000 people) |
14 |
City (approx 100,000 people) |
18 |
Large country (100,000,000 people) |
24 |
Large Planet (Billions of people) |
28 |
Contact (shot cost 3)
The user may contact a character in line of sight or who can be found with mental awareness. This includes a full conversation back and forth. The user may suggest a thought just like magic's Inspiration. The user can also "sit still" and scan the surface thoughts of a target.
Deep Scan (2 schticks, shot cost [target's will])
The user can read deep hidden thoughts from the target. This requires physical contact. A will vs. will roll must be used to steal the information. This power cannot be used to "fish" because a specific question must be asked. On the other hand, use of contact and deep scan in tandem can be quite rewarding.
The user may establish a psychic rapport with one other mind. This requires a peaceful time for attunement out of combat. This willing character can be conversed with mentally at any time, barring dimensional displacement or similar problems.
Switchboard (2 schticks)
The user may act as a "switchboard" for a small number of minds. These characters may converse silently. The group must be in sight (or located with mind sense) to establish the link. The link may be maintained out of sight distance as a continuous action.
Memory Splice (3 schticks, outrageous shot cost)
With physical contact, the user may read deep thoughts of the target. Worse, with a MENTAL roll, the user may find out held secrets and erase or change memories. NOT FOR PLAYER USE!
Speedster schticks
Doppler Dodging
You are incredibly hard to hit, due to your speed. This is the scrappy kid schtick. Your dodge is always 2 more than your superpowers or your martial arts AV.
Lightning Dodge - 2 schticks (Stolen from John Harper.)
The Speedster can make an Active Dodge with no shot cost. This costs 1 Super, just like Chi costs for Chi powers.
Speed reactions
1 schtick - you take no -3 penalty for using the "momentum blow" maneuver.
2 schticks - as above, plus you take 1/2 penalties for velocities.
3 schticks - as above, plus you take no penalties for velocities.
Zip (Stolen from John Harper, then adapted.) Shot cost: 3 Super cost: 1
The Speedster zips about the battlefield, causing opponents to shoot wildly at him. (Works like Drunken Fu Power: Spasmodic Leap. PER check difficulty is equal to your base MOV.)
General schticks
Absorbing (I'm dubious about this one. Lots of bookkeeping...)
As opposed to escalation, you convert incoming damage to energy. Pick a category for the creature power damage immunity or create an equivalent to be approved by the GM. Roll a closed die +5. You absorb outcome WPs from that attack, which reduces the damage of the attack. The damage adds temporarily to an attribute. Although you do continue to reduce attacks, you do not continue to add absorption to an attribute. You merely use the BEST roll as the add. If you try to absorb more than your superpower action value in a shot, your absorption fails and all WPs are applied to you.
1 schtick - Add these points to a secondary attribute defined when the power is purchased. This attribute can be any BODY secondary stat, any REFLEXES secondary stat, SUPER or WILLPOWER. The points are used up when the stat is used.
2 schticks - Add these points to BODY or REFLEXES, defined when the power is purchased. The points are used up when the stat is used.
This power gives you the ability to blast one special effect (FS or super) at Super+2 damage.
Dodging fool - 2 schticks
You are incredibly hard to hit. This is the scrappy kid schtick. Your dodge is always 2 more than your superpowers or your martial arts AV. This is available only to characters using the anti-hero, masked avenger, and (generic) superhero templates.
Danger sense
1 schtick - as per Hair-Trigger Neck Hairs. (This may be bought more than once.)
2 schticks - you innately sense danger on a +2 PER roll. Even if you have no way of knowing, you may react with a dodge or stunt in your defense. As with HTNH, the Outcome of your perception check is added to the dodge or stunt.
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced- Add +2 to your PER value with a sense. May be bought multiple times.
Exotic - You have an unusual sense (sonar, IR vision, mental) that most people do not.
Eyes in the back - You "see" in a 360-degree field and thus are almost impossible to surprise.
Overly Useful (3 schticks) - You have an unusually helpful sense. (X-ray vision, Life sense, etc.)
Polarized - Your primary sense is protected, giving you +5 vs. flashes.
Tracking - You may track people with a PER roll.
Entangle (Shot cost 3)
Entangles keep the opponent from moving or acting. The affected character suffers three points of impairment to attack/defend from someone outside. Generally, no handheld or hand-mounted devices may be used, and magic is impossible while entangled. The target must break out with a 1-shot action that pits his or her Str, Blast, or other damaging effect vs. entangle. The strength of the entangle is your SUPER+ 2+ Outcome from the attack. Note: the impairment will not affect this attempt. A friend of the victim can make a normal attack on the entangle as well.
1 schtick - The entangle will be reduced by the positive roll of a die even if it is not broken. (Example: Bob is entangled in an entangle -12. He has a strength of 6. Bob rolls a +2. The 8 does not beat 12, but the entangle is reduced to 10 for next time.) This entangle doesn't have to be maintained.
2 schticks - The entangle lasts while maintained, and does not reduce in strength.
3 schticks - The entangle stays at full strength even if not maintained.
For an extra schtick, the entangle blocks sight and hearing.
For an extra schtick, the entangled character can be attacked without damaging the entangle.
For 2 extra schticks, the entangle will do its strength value damage if a breakout is attempted but does not succeed.
Environmental Control - (3 schticks) This works as per Weather control magic in FS. User gets either weather control or some other environmental control. (heat, cold, air, water) Environmental controls include 3 nuisance effects, one sense-impairing, one blast effect, an entangle effect, and an immunity to that environmental damage. The sense-impairing effect is at SUPER level, the blast and entangle effects are at SUPER +2. (A flame control could have 3 nuisances, sight flashing, fireballs, a ring of fire, and an immunity to fire.)
1 schtick - you can glide, losing 6ft. of altitude per glide, at double your move.
2 schticks - you can fly at double your move.
3 schticks - you can fly at double your move or incredibly fast. When going incredibly fast, you cannot attack, but your dodge increases to 18 if someone tries to hit you.
Force field
A force field will protect you from danger. You cannot attack out of a field unless you have a blast with special effect of force. Force fields only repel damage, not special attacks like Brain Shredder or Flash. All force fields have a shot cost of 5 and must be maintained to stay up. Any force field that repels more than its rating in one shot will fall, but will protect from that blow. A force field is rated at your superpower AV.
1 schtick - You may put up a personal force field between you and danger.
2 schticks - You may put up a force field wall up to SUPER meters long.
3 schticks - You may put up a force field in any shape up to a hemisphere of SUPER meters in diameter.
The spy's unique schtick.You may use a fortune die to inspire criminal masterminds to blurt out their plot when you are captured. Anti-hero, masked avenger, and generic superheroes only.
1 schtick - grow up to double your size. Add 2 to Strength and Move but also subtract 2 from your defensive AV vs. physical attacks.
2 schtick - grow up to quadruple your size. Add 4 to Strength and Move and 2 to toughness also subtract 4 from your defensive AV vs. physical attacks.
3 schticks - grow up to be humongous. Add 6 to Strength and Move and 4 to toughness, but subtract 6 from your defensive AV vs. physical attacks. Targets have dodge AV 0 versus you but may abort to a stunt to get away.
As per magic in FS.
1 schtick - you can leap double your move.
2 schticks - you can leap at quadruple your move.
3 schticks - you can leap at quadruple your move or incredibly far (miles). When you leap incredibly far, you cannot attack but your dodge increases to 15 if someone tries to hit you. This leap will take 15 shots to land.
Life support
1 schtick - You don't have to breathe.
1 schtick - You are immune to aging and disease, but may be killed normally.
1 schtick - Amphibian as per FS creature powers.
1 schtick - You don't have to sleep or eat.
Insubstantial 2 schticks.
Otherwise, as FS Creature power.
Missile deflection
These schticks cost -1 schtick for Speedsters.
2 schticks - For a shot cost of 1, you may try to parry a missile or bullet. You catch or knock the item away harmlessly.
3 schticks - For a shot cost of 3, you may parry a missile or bullet. You can then make a superpower check to hit someone else of your choice with the item.
All power-altering schticks have a shot cost of 5.
1 schtick - You may cancel a superpower of any opponent. Roll a superpower check. You may subtract this outcome from the outcome of the superpower check of any one power YOU KNOW the target has. Instead, if you know of a non-check superpower, like flight, you may cancel that power if you beat the opponent's SUPER +5. The effect lasts as long as you maintain. While concentrating, you may not use any other superpowers. This schtick may be taken based on the MENTAL skill and resisted with WILL +5 instead.
2 schticks - Roll a superpower check. Subtract this outcome from the outcome of any superpower check the target makes. This also turns off all schticks as with the second option above. The effect lasts as long as you maintain. While concentrating, you may not use any other superpowers. This schtick may be taken based on the MENTAL skill and resisted with WILL +5 instead.
Regeneration 2 schticks
As FS Creature power.
1 schtick - You double your move speed when you run.
2 schticks - You may perform stunts like running across water or a triple-move run.
3 schticks - You can run triple speed or incredibly fast. You can run up walls, across ceilings, and basically ignore gravity along any surface. You cannot attack at incredibly fast speed, but your dodge increases to 18 if someone tries to hit you.
These powers make it harder for someone to see or sense the user.
If you do nothing out of the ordinary, you blend into a crowd. You will not be noticed if no one is specifically looking. If someone looks for you, they must make a PER check vs. your SUPER +3 or your MENTAL AV. This affects all senses. Must be maintained as a continuous action.
Flash - Shot cost 3.
Make a SUPER check against the target's dodge. They are impaired by the outcome unless they have another sense they can use to pinpoint location. They may make a PER check to hear if an opponent is within HTH distance. The impairment wears off one point per 3 shots. This impairment could also be from other special effects. For example, the target could have vertigo due to being spun by a speedster. (Thanks, John Harper!)
Invisibility (2 schticks)
You are invisible to sight. Under the right circumstances (in the rain, in a cloud of powder, firing a weapon, making any attack, etc.) you can be spotted with a PER check vs. your SUPER AV. This does not work on smell, sound, etc. Must be maintained as a continuous action.
Cloak of Darkness (2 schticks)
You may create a cloud of darkness up to SUPER in radius meters. This cloud may be static or may travel with you. Anyone looking through the cloud must subtract your SUPER from his or her outcome. Must be maintained as a continuous action.
You may reach out SUPER meters to strike or grab someone. You may also add 1/2 SUPER (round down) to your move.
You have a permanent second form, usually one human and one super. It takes 9 shots to transform, and no powers can be used except transform when human. See the creature power Transform.
Cosmetic shapeshift
You may change your outer form to look like someone else. Others make a PER roll vs. your deceit skill or SUPER, whichever is higher, should they be looking for a fake. You will not gain the strengths or abilities of the other form. It takes 5 shots to transform.
Inanimate shapeshift (2 schticks)
You may imitate inanimate objects.
Major shapeshift (3 schticks)
You may change your essential form to take the shape of any number of creatures. You gain the abilities of these creatures when you do so.
1 schtick - shrink down to several inches tall. Subtract 3 from any roll to hit or spot you but subtract 3 from your running Move and add 3 to any knockback you take.
2 schticks - shrink down to an inch tall. Subtract 5 from any roll to hit or spot you but subtract 5 from your running Move and add 5 to any knockback you take.
3 schticks - shrink down to be incredibly tiny. You effectively cannot be seen and targeted (save by an area effect) but cannot target others not in the same state.
Signature Object 2 schticks
You have an object (hammer, shield, batarang, crescent darts, etc.) that adds +3 to damage, to stunts, or to dodge (choose 1) when you use it. Generally, this item is unique and unbreakable as per the signature weapon from FS. It is possible that the item is unique to YOU and that you have a limited supply, at which point they are breakable and more easily taken away. This schtick can be combined with other schticks to create a suit of power armor with the other powers built into it, for example. You may use an additional schtick to add a category (damage, stunts, dodge) to the item. Captain America obviously spent all 3 schticks on this!
1 schtick - double your move speed when you swim.
2 schticks - triple swim speed and make a triple-move leap from the water.
3 schtick - you can swim at triple your move or incredibly fast. When going incredibly fast, you cannot attack but your dodge increases to 18 if someone tries to hit you.
1 schtick - you can swing at double your move, dropping 1/3 the distance traveled in altitude during the swing.
2 schticks - you can quadruple your move. You may also use a motor/retractor or your agility to climb at double your move when the fulcrum is above you. (Batman's grapple)
Team Leader
The user of this schtick is the team leader or core member of a group. He may add +1 to the AV and damage of his team when coming up with a battle plan and pep talk. The pep talk must be role-played. Any team members who are not moved by the pep talk do not get the +1 values.
You may apply SUPER+2 strength to move or strike things at a distance. Make a SUPER check and add the outcome normally.
Teleport has special rules if you cannot see your destination. Make a SUPER check vs. difficulty 20. If you don't succeed, you reappear where you started, having taken 20-total in wound points as you hit interference from a solid object.
1 schtick - teleport your regular move.
2 schticks - teleport double your regular move.
3 schticks - teleport far away, other dimensions, etc. May not dodge/attack when doing so.
You have to decide if you refill the hole or leave a tunnel when you purchase this power.
1 schtick - dig your 1/2 regular move through the ground. You may only dig though relatively soft substances like dirt and sandstone.
2 schtick - dig your regular move through the ground. You may not dig through substances as hard as concrete or metal.
3 schtick - dig double your regular move through the ground. You can dig through anything short of armor plate.
Utility Belt - 2 schticks
For 1 fortune point, you can have any item you might need in that belt. It's the techie's schtick, albeit a little more expensive.
2 schticks - Touch a character and make a superpower roll. If you beat their SUPER or WILL, whichever is higher, you copy 3 schticks from that character for as many sequences as the outcome.
3 schticks - Touch a character and make a superpower roll. If you beat their SUPER+3 or WILL+3, whichever is higher, you STEAL 3 schticks from that character for as many sequences as the outcome.
You may stand on walls or ceilings and not fall. Even ceiling tiles miraculously bear your weight. If someone tries to uproot you, make a STR check to stay in place.
Quote: "This day's been kicking me in the butt since I got up"
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (For =10, Super 8), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Divide 4 points among your primary attributes. Add 1 to any 1 secondary attribute.
Guns 6 (Max 13)
Martial arts 10 (Max 13) Or Superpowers 10 (Max 13)
Info: Profession 13
Info: your choice 13
Info: your choice 12
Info: your choice 10
Add 5 skill bonuses.
Schticks: 3 General Super schticks
Unique Schticks: Everyday Hero Fortune schtick.
Bad Luck. It's never easy for you. If something bad is going to happen to someone in the group, well, you know it's gonna be you. In addition, the GM gets a fortune die pool equal to your fortune dice. He can use a fortune die against you for any GMCs. The GM can also use up a fortune die for this session to: screw up your home life or day job for this session, make you run out of vital supplies (for superpowers), have bystanders and/or law enforcement react to you irrationally (blaming you for something you didn't do, for example), etc. You may set up your own complication(s) to use up a fortune die, with GM permission and approval. This is the Spider-man anti-schtick. If you've ever seen Spidey teamed with Havok and then Thor against the Living Monolith, you know what I mean.
Quote: "Where there's a will, there's a way."
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (Super=8), Mnd 5 (Wil 7), Ref 5
Add 2 to three primary attributes. Add 2 to a single secondary.
Mental Powers =15 (Note: You cannot dodge based on your mental skill!)
Martial arts 10 (Max 13) Or Superpowers 10 (Max 13)
Info: psychic powers 9
Info: your choice 9
Info: your choice 7
Schticks: 3 Psychic schticks, 2 General schticks, and 2 General or Psychic schticks
Animal Guy
Quote: "Roar!"
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 7 (For 2), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add to characteristics by animal package.
Creature powers =13
Guns 11
Info: creatures 8
Info: your choice 8
Schticks:1 transformed animal package. You may add 2 schticks from creature powers, 2 General schticks, or 2 additional transformed animal schticks.
Quote: "Hulk smash!"
Attributes: Bod =11(Tough =12), Chi 0, Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add 2 to any primary attribute.
Guns 8 (Max 10)
Intimidation 9
Info: your choice 7
Martial arts =12
Add +6 in skill bonuses to these or other new skills.
Schticks: Take 4 Brick or General schticks.
Martial Artist
Quote: "You have the power of an atomic furnace and all the finesse of a large sledgehammer."
Attributes: Bod 5 (Max 8), Chi 0 (Fu 8) (Max 10), Mnd 5 (Max 10), Ref 5 (Max 10)
Divide 6 points among primary characteristics. All maximums apply to secondaries as well.
Info/Philosophy 11
Leadership 7
Martial Arts =15
Add 3 skill bonuses.
Schticks: Take 3 Fu schticks plus 2 schticks from the General or Fu lists.
Masked Avenger
Quote: "Criminals are a cowardly, superstitious lot. The Weed of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit!"
Attributes: Bod 5 (Max 10), Chi 0 (Max 2) (Super 6), Mnd 5 (Max 10), Ref 5 (Max 10)
Divide 6 points among two or three primary characteristics. Add 2 points to a secondary char. Add 1 point to another. All maxes apply to secondaries as well, except SUPER.
Martial Arts =13
Guns =12
Fix-it 7
Info/Science 7
Info/your choice 7
Intimidation 8 or Intrusion 8
Add 6 skill bonuses. You may trade Martial Arts, Guns, and Superpowers around, if you wish.
Schticks: Take 4 schticks from the general list. You may trade up to 2 of these for gun schticks.
Quote: "You scum will pay for the things you did!" >>Buddabuddabudda!<<
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0, Mnd 5, Ref 5
Divide 6 points among two or three primary attributes.
Deceit or Intrusion 7
Driving =12
Guns =14
Martial Arts =10
Sabotage 9
Info: gangs and the criminal element 7
You may switch martial arts and guns. Add 3 skill points to these or new skills.
Schticks: Take 5 gun schticks or 3 fu schticks or 4gun/1fu schtick and then take 2 general schticks.
Quote: "Me and what army? Me and THIS army!"
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (Sup 5), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add 1 point to 2 primary attributes. Add 1 point to a secondary attribute.
Superpowers =12
Guns 10 (Max 12)
Martial Arts 10 (Max 12)
Info: your choice 7
Add 3 skill points to these or new skills.
Schticks: Take 2 general schticks plus your unique schtick. You may trade your general schticks to up your unique schtick (see below).
Unique schtick: You may split into multiples of yourself as a 3-shot action. Items you carry will not duplicate (LAWS rockets) unless they are part of your "kit" as arranged with the game moderator. This schtick works two different ways. If you split into named characters, use the following:
1 schtick - one duplicate.
2 schtick - three duplicates as above.
3 schtick - seven duplicates as above.
If one of "you" is killed, take [32/copies-of-you] WPs and you may not make that "other" duplicate until you are healed. Enhanced healing will not work on this damage.
The other option is the mook option. You split into mooks, whose defensive AVs are 3 below yours. Their offensive AVs are unchanged. Use the following costs to purchase mooks:
1 schtick - three you like mooks.
2 schtick - seven duplicates as above.
3 schtick - eleven duplicates as above.
These duplicates go "pop" when rendered comatose or dead. They also automatically blip out of existence when you go down. If a duplicate goes down, you may not recreate him/her during this fight.
Quote: "Your puny superpowers are no match for the Crimson Bonds of Cytorrak!"
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (Mag 8), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add 2 to 3 primary attributes. Add 2 to a single secondary.
Sorcery =14
Info: history 9
Info: mages/magic 7
Info: your choice 7
Info: your choice 7
Schticks: 5 magic schticks or 4 magic schticks and 2 general schticks.
Supernatural Creature
Quote: "I will feast on your bones, Multi-man."
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (Mag 7), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add 4 to a primary attribute. Add 2 to another.
Creature powers =13
Guns 10 (Max 13)
Info: magic creatures 10
Add +3 to a new skill, then add +2 to your existing skills or the new one.
Schticks: Take 2 general schticks and choose 5 schticks from either creature powers or general schticks. You may trade 2 schticks for one brick schtick.
Quote: "Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me; I'm the stinky cheese man!"
Attributes: Bod 5 (Max 8), Chi 0 (Sup 8), Mnd 5 (Max 10), Ref 5 (Spd =11) (Max 10
Divide 5 points among primary characteristics. Divide 2 among secondaries, excluding SUPER. All maxes apply to secondaries as well, except MOV, which may go to 10, and of course SPD.
Superpowers 10 (Max 13)
Martial Arts 10 (Max 13)
Info: your choice 7
Info: your choice 7
Add 7 skill bonuses. No more than 5 may go to any given skill.
Schticks: Take 3 speedster/movement schticks to start. Now you may add 3 schticks from the general, speedster, or Fu lists. The Fu schticks must come from the Path of the Leaping Storm, with three modifications.
1) If you have a 1-schtick movement power, your movement schtick counts as the prerequisite Prodigious Leap, if you so wish. Ditto for a 2- or 3-schtick power and Abundant Leap.
2) Any time it says sword, that's your hands/feet.
3) SUPER stands in for FU in your FU schticks.
Superhero (generic)
Quote: "Never fear, [insert 3-syllable name] is here!"
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (Sup 5), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add a combination of 5 points to your primary attributes. You may add 3 points among your secondary attributes, but none may exceed ten.
Superpowers 10 (Max 13)
Martial Arts 10 (Max 13)
Info: your choice 7
Info: your choice 7
Add 12 skill points to these or new skills, with not more than 5 points going to any one.
Schticks: Take 7 General schticks.
Teen Sidekick
Quote: "Holy Flying Hand Grenades!"
Attributes: Bod 4, Chi 7, Mnd 6, Ref 8
Add 2 to a primary attribute. Add 1 to another.
Deceit 8
Intrusion =10
Superpowers =13 or Martial Arts =13
Info: Comics 11
Info: supers rumor 10
Info: pop music 9
Info: your choice 8
Info: your choice 8
Schticks: Take 4 General schticks or 2 General schticks and 2 Fu schticks.
Unique schticks: defense, distraction as per FS rules for Scrappy kids.
Wild Talent
Quote: "Don't make me mad, you won't like what happens!"
Attributes: Bod 5, Chi 0 (Sup 10), Mnd 5, Ref 5
Add 2 to a primary attribute. Add 1 to another.
Deceit 8
Intrusion =10
Martial arts 11 (Max 13)
Superpowers =11
Info: specialized 10
Info: specialized 9
Info: specialized 8
Info: specialized 8
Add 2 skill levels.
Schticks: Take 5 schticks from either general or psychic schticks.
Unique schtick: Supercharge. If you use your superpower points in a desperate effort, you receive +3 dice per point sacrificed.
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