Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6
Your spells pack an extra punch that is able to ignore 2 Points of arcane armor provided by Arcane Resistance, Improved Arcane Resistance Edges and even the armor power.
Imbue Arrow
Requirements: Arcane Archer
Spells known by the arcane archer can be cast onto her arrow. Cast the spell
as normal and if successful the arrow becomes imbued with the spell. The Power
Points used to imbue the arrow do not return until the arrow is used or destroyed
and even then they return at the normal rate. The Spellcasting roll determines
the effects of the spell once it is used. - The Wizard Professional Edge does
not reduce the Power Point costs of spells used to imbue arrows.
The spell is then triggered when the arrow reaches it's target, allowing the
arcane archer to extend the range of certain spells such as armor or even fly.
The arrow is consumed by the spell when fired and does not cause any damage
Seeker Arrow
Requirements: Veteran; Imbue Arrow
For the cost of 2 Power Points the arcane archer can launch any arrow at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the end of the arrow's range prevents the arrow's flight. This ability negates cover and darkness modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
Phase Arrow
Requirements: Heroic; Seeker Arrow
For the cost of 5 Power Points the arcane archer can launch an arrow at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any non-magical barrier or wall in its way. This ability negates cover, darkness, and even armor modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
Metamagic Mastery
Requirements: Arcane Background, Arcane Skill d8+
You have an instinctive and growing mastery of your magic, by paying the additional power points required you can get the following effects. You have to meet the Rank requirement before certain Metamagic abilities become available. You can stack Metamagic abilities if you so wish and the Wizard Edge applies as normal.
Metamagic Ability
Increased Power Point Cost
Heighten Spell
Opposed and Agility rolls of opponents are lowered by
Silent Spell
Can be cast even if the caster is mute or gagged
Not available to those with the Spellsinger Arcane Background
Still Spell
Can be cast even if the caster is bound
Empower Spell
Roll a Wild Die with each damaging effect.
Enlarge Spell
Doubles the Range of a spell
Extend Spell
Doubles the base duration of a spell
Maximize Spell
Spell inflicts either your damage roll or the maximum
you could roll without aces.
Quicken Spell
Cast a spell as a free action.
Requirements: Arcane Background (Magic), Soul Drain
The Sorcerer gains a +2 to his spirit roll when attempting to drain Power Points from himself.